Marco Tulio Vargas, Finca El Tontolar

I’ve only started growing coffee when I was 56 years old!

That’s quite a rarity as I am the only one in my surroundings who hasn’t started either as a boy with his parents, or as a young man moving toward independence. Anyway, I bought my plot of land in 1985, but first I held a bit of cattle, and then I grew different types of fruits and vegetables for many years.

It was only in 2005 that I decided to change to coffee, as all of my seven children grow coffee and they generated a more stable income at the time than I did. Also, honestly, coffee appealed more to my imagination than carrots or tomatoes.

Little by little, I expanded the land and I also learned to grow better coffee over the years. Later, I heard about how some farmers in our region prepared micro-lots and I decided to slowly shift my harvest to that as well. It is more labor intensive and the yield goes slightly down, but the proceeds are better and I also take much more pride in the result of my work. Now, I know that people who get to drink my coffee are genuinely pleased, or sometimes even impressed.

Now, coffee means more economic stability for me and also for my family, my children. I currently own 13 hectares and my children – together – own around 26.

Farm facts

My land is 13 hectares and is located between 1425 and 1570 meters. In our region,that is quite high for growing coffee and the climate is ideal. I cultivate four varietals: Lempira, Catimore, IH-café 90 and Parainema.

Shadow comes mostly from Guanijiquil and Liquidámbar.

The finca is Fair Trade and Organic certified.

This farm is Rain Forest Alliance certified.