
As small producers who live in a vulnerable region, we are acutely aware of the depletion of the finite resources that our planet provides, and of the risks and consequences that climate change causes to our livelihoods, our planet, and to the future of our children. 

On top of that, we grew up on and around the land that we now own, and we feel intimately connected to it. Indeed, we are a part of it and we know from experience that it will treat us as we treat it. 

Cafesmo as an organization is dedicated to supporting all producer members in their efforts to work in a sustainable and - increasingly - a circular way. We carry the Fair Trade label to guarantee respect for labor conditions, among other requirements, and the organic label to be better stewards of the earth.

Some of our members in El Pinal at 1720 meters

Some of our members in El Pinal at 1720 meters