Agroforestry and Circular Economy

Banana trees provide food and shadow.

Banana trees provide food and shadow.

We go further than Fair Trade and Organic labels, because we want to, and because we know it is also in our own long term interest. Each year, we’re converting more of our plantation to agroforestry. 

In 2019 and 2020, we’ve planted 15,000 trees to increase shadow, retain water, attract bird life (including migrating birds), fight erosion, and reduce our carbon footprint substantially. On top of that, the trees help improve the quality of our beans. We’re also diversifying to depend less on one crop: part of the trees are lime and avocado, for our own consumption and to sell in the national market. The Neumann foundation is very helpful in their support of our efforts to convert to agroforestry. 

They also help us organize workshops for producers, to implement good practices in each finca: soil conversation, water management, and fight erosion with local plants. But also to teach new sowing techniques and plant distancing. 

Bees for polination and honey

Bees for polination and honey

Several of our producers have started to keep bees, to improve pollination in their fincas, but also to let the hives to other producers, and, of course, to produce delicious, 100% natural honey for their own consumption. And each year, more of our producers start using the pulp of their beans as a natural plant fertilizer. It’s healthier, more effective, and doesn’t cause any pollution. We also sell some of the pulp for teas and infusions.