Our Coffee Blends

While each of us grows their own beans on our individual fincas, we also join forces to offer some of our great coffees together.

By mixing several cultivars, we are able to propose more complex flavor patterns, without losing the outspoken uniqueness of each variety.

The beans for our blends are always cultivated above 1,100 meters and our fincas are Fair Trade as well as Organic certified, so we work with respect for nature as well as humans. 

With these blends we can offer remarkable coffees for an attractive price, while at the same time all participating farmers receive a premium that they would not be able to obtain individually. 

We are also happy to make a unique blend for you: together, we can choose the varieties, altitude range, or other preferences you may have, like coffee that is grown exclusively by female farmers or by the smallest farmers, who often have more difficulties making a living wage. 

Drop us a line and we can help you make that perfect, tailor-made blend you’ve always wanted! Minimum order for personalized blends: 10 x 69 kilo grain pro bags.

Our farms are Rain Forest Alliance certified.